Letter from Lindy Sept 20

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Your grace while I keep my note to you brief, as bandwidth is in short supply this week. Thank you all who reached out to offer my family prayers and words of comfort as we traverse this grief-stricken landscape. You have been eagles' wings.
Thank you all who joined in our congregational meeting. A huge debt of gratitude for our fearless moderator who guided, instructed, informed and moved us to action with such grace and ease. She makes it look so easy....and it is anything but. We are blessed by her leadership.
A second shout out to Nathan Miller-Olawsky as he was the man behind the screen. Tech gurus are rarely seen on screen, but it would be blank without his technological capabilities. I wish I could record the masterful way in which he manages zoomland.
As both Ami and I lifted up, please, please reach out to all of the Pilgrims who are transitioning out of their respective roles, as they have provided us with strong and steady leadership this past year of seismic change. A huge hug of thanks for three board chairs: Nathan Miller-Olawsky, Nancy Ruth Best and Jonathan Earnest for 3, yes 3 years of faithful leadership. Well done good and faithful servants!
Huge shoes to fill, but I know all who have said yes to leadership this year will offer us gifts that will strengthen and brighten our shining of God's light in this hurting world. I cannot wait to learn how their voices will add to ours with creativity and passion and hope for the year to come. Welcome. Welcome.
I am going to gear down this next week on meetings and such, so I can both receive my family and also surround my sister and her children as they grieve the loss of their son and brother, and we hold them and grieve too. I feel you holding us and I thank you.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Lindy

Melinda Keenan Wood