Worship Service, 10:30am
We welcome and celebrate people of all ages, races, sexual orientations, gender identities, and abilities to join with us in worship. We are an open and affirming congregation.
Worship is the heart of our beloved community, a time to connect with God and each other through prayer, song and scripture. As we live into ‘whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here,’ you will see a range of ages from babies to grandparents and a range of attire, from shorts to suits, and even an occasional ballerina tutu. We have a nursery for young children and other options for older children, depending on the Sunday. Children are also welcome in worship!
Pilgrim has an available quiet space to listen to the service next to the sanctuary and we offer online worship options as well. This is an effort on the part of Pilgrim’s Mental Health and Wellness team to offer inclusive options. We welcome worshippers who may be struggling with mental health and may prefer to worship in different settings.
Additionally our building is ADA accessible and also offers wireless hearing device.
After worship, enjoy a time of outdoor fellowship with us. Catch up with old friends and meet new ones… all while sipping on a cup of Equal Exchange coffee.
Masks are optional at this time—join us in person, or online!
Our worship YouTube link will still be active at 10:30am every Sunday, along with the bulletin/hymns:
Pilgrim choir
Pilgrim United Church of Christ is an inclusive congregation that deeply values the power of music as a means of expression, meditation, and connection with each other and with God. Pilgrim’s music ministry finds theology within the expanse of music. We are knowledgeable and comfortable with a broad repertoire, from Medieval and Renaissance motets, to high Romantic-period choral works, to spirituals, to protest songs of the 1960s, to popular music of today. Music is integral to our liturgy, and we welcome music from all faith traditions.
While the choir is a backbone of Pilgrim’s music programming, luckily there are many congregants and friends of Pilgrim willing to share their musical gifts. Our music ministry is open, collaborative, flexible, and innovative. We recognize and respond to the needs of the congregation for we know music enhances our spiritual experience and can be life-giving to all who hear it.