Creation Justice: Petitioning for Zero Carbon Emissions in North Carolina


Dear Pilgrims and Friends, 

For the first time there were two hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico simultaneously.  Wildfires are devastating the Western US. Last week Death Valley reported the highest reported temperature of earth at 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Climate change is very real and it threatens our planet, our lives and the lives of future generations. Additionally, these environmental insults unfairly impact our brothers and sisters of color, expanding the racial divide. 

As people of faith, we are called to protect God’s creation. And, there ARE  things that we can do. Our God is a God of hope regardless of the odds. This includes encouraging, guiding, or correcting --our political and business leaders.

With this in mind, petitions have been created for Governor Roy Cooper and Duke Energy.  These are attached here. The petitions request that Duke Energy’s current transition plan to zero carbon emissions be more expeditious given our climate urgency.  We are asking Duke Energy to reach zero carbon emissions by 2030 instead of 2040.

At the September 13th Congregational meeting Pilgrims will be asked to endorse these petitions. If endorsed they will then be disseminated to our larger Durham community for broader support. There will be two dedicated times prior to the Congregational meeting to ask questions and discuss. Meeting links will be shared via the newsletter and website. If you are a member of another faith community or other farther reaching organization who would like to endorse this with us please reach out!

September 6:  Discussion/Q&A 11:45am Option to join Discussion During Fellowship

September 13: Discussion/Q&A 9:30-10:15am Prior to Worship Service

September 13: Congregational meeting - Vote 

love and prayers,

The Creation Justice Action Team

Felicia Flanders