A Letter from Lindy March 8

Understandably, much concern has been expressed about how the church might respond to the advent of a spread of the corona virus to our community. Durham, Duke and other leading institutions have contingency plans in place to protect and support those with whom they are in relationship.
Both General Churches of the United Church of Christ and Christian Church, Disciples of Christ have communicated extensively with their local congregations. For a complete read of how the United Church of Christ invites us to prepare and respond click here.
The Disciple response is: here
Many of our area churches are following the CDC guidelines for faith communities. To read their recommendations, read this.
As I shared during worship last Sunday, we can take simple steps of washing our hands frequently; using hand sanitizer before participating in communion and offering caution and care as we pass the peace and/or greet each other with the love of Christ.
All in all, let us follow the advice of our church leaders who urge education, caution and common sense as U.S. coronavirus cases increase.
We might learn more specific guidance this Sunday as we welcome our Southern Conference Minister, Dr. Edward Davis to Pilgrim to share in God's hope for us this day in worship.
Let us greet him with Pilgrim love, grace and hospitality.
Pastor Lindy

Melinda Keenan Wood