Cultivating Relationship: Lent
Greetings Pilgrims and Friends!
I was looking back on the tone of many of my messages to the community and in the reflective spirit of Lent I wanted to refocus and reorient myself. Too often in life, and certainly in church, we (and by “we” I certainly mean….. “I”) can get very task oriented. “Come to this, come help with that, try this, try that, do-this-do-that-run-go-aaaah!.” What we do is a huge part of who we are as Christians.
However, if we find ourselves in the habit of feeling burdened, of feeling that we aren’t doing enough, or even that we aren’t enough---then that is a signal to readjust. Giving/doing should feel good and if it’s not feeling good then it’s time to look at the way we are or aren’t taking part in our relationships with others. Giving/doing often is the byproduct of what is actually important---our relationships with each other, or it is part of a symbiotic cycle between giving to others and our relationship with others. Giving can build relationships but just if not more often relationships can lead to giving. Relationships are the point! When we share our joys and share about ourselves, and listen and remember what others tell us about themselves---it matters, chitchat transforms into something delightful and sustaining when we are actually present to each other.
When we are stressed or struggling with something in our lives it is so human and normal for it to be scary to share that struggle, to say, “I need help with this,” or “this is going on for me right now.” To say “I feel ashamed” or “it hurt me when you did that.” Yet it is literally sharing our struggles and lovingly responding to the struggles of others that frees and feeds us, that can allow others to feel God’s love through us.
I’ll go first. It’s good to be back and I love the work I’m doing. I’m also hoping the congregation can give me grace if I don’t respond right away to all the wonderful ideas I’ve been hearing. I want to hear them, but right now what I can actively “do” is continue the planning for the Lenten series and as well as the planning for the Our Whole Lives program. Please continue to share your hopes and dreams with me and as I’m able I will work with you to see what we can make happen for Pilgrim. As you continue in this season of Lent I hope you can trust in God and share your struggles with those you trust and be present to those who may need to share their struggles with you.
Much love,
Director of Christian Education/Formation