A Letter from Lindy Nov 10


I was asked a question this week wondering what Commitment/Celebration Sunday was which made me wonder if our budget/stewardship campaign has not been as compelling as I believed.

I hope the stories you have heard each Sunday from our stewardship team helped you explore your relationship with this beloved community. I pray the initial stewardship letter, now posted on the giving page of our newwebsite, invited you to consider how you might invest in Pilgrim to grow our mission, ministry and witness.

I pray our "Get to know your Budget" fellowship hour encouraged you to study initial board figures and ask whatever questions arose. From my wandering in and out of conversations last Sunday, I heard great questions and detailed explanations that seemed to address our queries....at least those that were voiced. As you have learned from our moderator, we are not stopping there because we truly want 1) to hear from you 2) be as transparent as possible with the way in which Pilgrim invests your trust to shine God's light into our church, our community, our world.

So to answer the question sent my way. Commitment/Celebration Sunday is for us to do what this title says. To celebrate each and every pilgrim's commitment to Pilgrim. For this Sunday to be a widespread celebration, we invite you to fill out a pledge card in whatever way you feel is possible. If you can invest financially in the mission and ministry of the church, we are grateful for your support. Our reach will extend further, as more pilgrims band together bring God's hope into reality through us. If your support is in giving of your time and talent, our beloved will grow exponentially from your gifts. Every pledge, at every level, in every way helps us live into God's vision for us for the coming year.

This step we take together is one of the ways we put our faith in action.

And I can't wait to see what God will do with and through us.

Pastor Lindy

Melinda Keenan Wood