Letter from Lindy Oct 30

My beloved Pilgrim,

How is your heart this day? This week? As we enter into November? November?! 2020 just keeps spilling over the edges, doesn’t it?

And we are holding our collective breath as we inch toward election day. 4 million North Carolinians have already voted (Yay!), and we are praying the outcome. Praying without ceasing has become modus operandi for this entire year, has it not? We will pray, and talk, election this Sunday, as a community of faith. Because the one we follow, despite claims to the contrary, was an agitator and disrupter of politics as usual...and calls his people to do likewise.

Before we deep dive into reflecting on the moment and exploring who and what we are called to be and do, we pause. We open our hearts to offer our collective lament for those we have lost this year. New constellations in our sacred cloud of witnesses. As we are in Zoom meeting mode this first Sunday of November, our service will be interactive at various moments. Of course, Holy Communion, for there is no better way to conclude than to share table and break bread together. We will also join together in the lighting of our All Saints memorial candles for our beloveds who now rest eternally in our heart’s memory. So have a candle ready. And be prepared to offer the names of your loved ones aloud, if you feel so moved.

Sunday will also bring the happy opportunity for us to meet Pilgrim’s new Administrator, Traci Hathaway. She has graciously agreed to join us for Sunday worship, so you have a chance to put a face to a name and voice. She’s met a few of you who stopped by to offer greetings. Now we are swinging the door wide open! We tried valiantly not to overwhelm her first week, and I pray she found the ministry and mission in which Pilgrim abides as enlivening as we all do. She is already proving herself a great asset to the Pilgrim team, so please join us in our welcome.

Looking forward to Sunday with you.
Pastor Lindy

Melinda Keenan Wood