Letter from Lindy Nov 27

Beloved Pilgrims,

Did any of you have the opportunity to bask in our glorious sunset yesterday evening? The swaths of pink, red, orange and gold had our skies reminiscent of an Arizonian landscape. What a magnificent vista to have shepherded our evening dog walking.

I pray this Wednesday before Thanksgiving that each of you will be joining a safe celebration. Before I stepped away, Durham’s religious roundtable met where city and county officials implored the gathered to use our pulpits to caution against traveling or gathering beyond immediate family. North Carolina number are again rising at an alarming rate, which naturally prompted the Governor’s stricter precautions. The plea for all citizens is to do our part even if we have to push beyond pandemic fatigue.

Sunday, we will usher in the season of Advent joining those who dream as we journey through. Dreaming with those who longed for an in-breaking of God’s realm in ways that would disrupt and dismantle the oppressive systems and structures that trapped a people in cycles of injustice. We too hope for similar dreams to manifest with and among us. Our first Sunday’s call is to be awake and alert for any such divine movement.

As always, we will live into Pilgrim traditions with our Hanging of the Greens celebration. Thank you all who have offered your gifts of participation. You all should have received a link to the liturgy through google docs. Although it is not the first Sunday of the month, it is the first Sunday of the season, so we will worship in meeting mode, rather than webinar. In so doing, we can see and celebrate each other while we decorate for the season. The zoom link is above and on our website.

I look forward to reconnecting with you there after this week of downtime. Until then, happy Thanksgiving.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Lindy

Susan Barco