Letter from Lindy Dec 6

My beloved community,

You know when you have a vision in your head of how something is supposed to happen, and then, well….it doesn’t go quite according to plan?

If this feels vaguely familiar, then you have a sense of how we felt about the Hanging of the Greens service. As much as I leaned into Advent’s hope for our first Sunday, our lit candle did not shield us from turbulence.

What we have come to learn in Zoomland is that we’re never quite sure how smooth or finicky the platform will respond on any given Sunday (well, really any given day). Additionally when we shift from webinar to meeting mode, our tech team loses some of their control over production.

And so it went last Sunday. From video glitches, to sound disparity, to many, many participants, to an unfamiliar liturgy attempted virtually, to our first zoom guest turned bomb, we had a few challenges. I am grateful for those who persevered to the end. I am touched by those who found joy through. I embrace those who love because and despite foibles and fragility. For in truth, all are the hope of worship, especially in this season of Advent.

Let me take this opportunity to share how the balance of this season will unfold.

This Sunday, December 6, although it is the first Sunday of December and would normally be worship in meeting mode, it is the 2nd Sunday of Advent and because we meeting-moded last Sunday, our platform will be webinar. We will gather at our virtual Table to be re/membered through our service of Holy Communion. I invite you to have your elements ready to be transformed in our partaking.

December 13, the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Nick and Danny, our intrepid music team, along with our choir angels, will gift us with a virtual cantata. Having heard some of the recordings throughout these weeks, I cannot wait to experience the final production.

December 20, the 4th Sunday of Advent, the inspirational force, known in human form as Annie Galvez (and her abled camera-person/husband Jose) has not let pandemic slow her creative genius, delighting us with our much anticipated Children’s Pageant. Who says pandemic disrupts traditions? Pilgrims just adapt, adjust, and rise to the challenge!

Monday, December 21, Winter Solstice, we will host an on-campus (and hopefully virtual) Longest Night service, called 'Labyrinth and Luminaries'. The service is actually an individual and collective prayer walk from the labyrinth to the sanctuary guided by the voices of fellow pilgrims. You will individually have access to an audio-recording that you can follow in your own timely rhythm, creating and lighting luminaries along the way, with the names of loves lost remembered in our writing. The prayer walk opens at 5:30pm. To adhere to our COVID safety protocols, we have a sign up sheet HERE so that we can manage our evening’s numbers and flow.

Thursday, December 24, we will gather virtually at 7pm to anticipate the in-breaking of God’s gift of the Incarnate One. Our Christmas Eve service will be a night to share the stories and songs of the God who came and dwelt among us. We will close our worship with our collective singing of Silent Night, as we light our candles on the porches of our respective homes, bearing witness to God’s loving embrace of all even amidst our hardship. If you didn’t sign up for your Advent Kit and need a candle, contact Traci to schedule a time to collect one.

Sunday, December 27, the first Sunday after Christmas. Yes, Christmas is a season, not just a day, for Emmanuel is never done with us. Join us as we dream, with Anna and Simeon, as those who will not keep silent about the ways God touches our lives; about the God movements we experience all around us; about God’s call to bring forth kindom on earth as it is in heaven.

Heavens Pilgrims, our worship offerings are overflowing. I hope you will join us for every and all! Speaking of offering, I pray you have delighted in our wonderful stewardship videos inspiring us to dream and act in our present and our future. If you have not yet made your 2021 pledge, might I invite you to consider doing so now for our finance team to continue its important work.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Lindy

Melinda Keenan Wood