Caregivers Support Group starts in January

A new Caregivers Support Group will be forming in January, meeting via ZOOM on 2nd and 4th Mondays from 4-5:15 pm. This group is open to anyone who has local or away caregiving responsibilities for a loved one who has any type of illness or disease. We are not limiting this only to Pilgrim members so if you know a neighbor, colleague or friend in a caregiving role tell them about it and ask them to contact me.

Richard Whitaker will be facilitating the group and we will have Deanne Morgan's book on caregiving as an excellent resource. Also, we plan to do hybrid meetings beginning in April and are looking for volunteers who might go into one of our members' homes to sit with the loved one, thus allowing the caregiver to join us in-person for at church meetings. Prayerfully consider if this is a ministry of care you might offer a fellow Pilgrim family.

If you have questions or want more information, contact Richard Whitaker.

Susan Barco