A Letter from Lindy Oct 4

peace poles Oct 3.jpeg

Hi Pilgrims,
I am grateful to be back within your embrace after a week of trying to hold my hurting, grieving family together amidst death and pandemic. Hard and holy work, to be sure, and, I acknowledge how draining it is. So tempted was this introvert to turn inward and away from community to replenish, but if I am going to heed my own words to someone else earlier this week, that is the last thing I needed. Rather, turning toward beloved community, in which I meet the divine, will weave me back whole, if fragile for the moment.
Returning to a peace pole has proven restorative as well. I can't wait to see the 20 or so that have been created. With the campus closed and we Pilgrims finding ourselves across the whole spectrum of comfort about what feels safe, let me offer this invitation. Those who feel comfortable, please come to pray with the peace poles on Saturday, October 3 from 10-4.Instead of creating a sign up sheet with specific time slots, I am asking us to be self aware as we join together to do this. Please come masked. Please keep 6' distance from your fellow Pilgrims. Please limit the number of who gathers around the poles.
We have decided to place the peace poles in the grass down the length of Pilgrim's driveway, so as to optimize space between each pole. Also with this placement, you can also experience them from the safety of your car with a drive-by, if that feels safer. I hope this placement allows for the breadth of the community to come if we so desire.
Pilgrim's outdoor gathering number remains at 15, so when you come, if you see that number of people already around the poles, I ask that you hang out in your car so as to keep us within that limit. Then come wander as the numbers allow. I will bring the peace poles into the sanctuary for Sunday worship, so if your Saturday is full, you will still be able to catch a glimpse. Sunday is World Communion Sunday. What better way to be surrounded than with the signs of peace!

About this Sunday. As I wrote earlier in September, we are craving connection any way we can get it. So....we will be hosting the first Sunday of each month as a Zoom Meeting rather than Webinar, where we can share in communion together (and see each other doing so). If you have just saved the recurring worship link, you'll need to use the one above instead. For those of us who prefer YouTube, unfortunately, Zoom Meeting does not allow for live streaming to YouTube, so we hope you will consider instead joining zoom this Sunday.
We will open the worship link at  10:15, for those who want time to chat and fellowship pre-worship.
Pilgrims, I pray our weekend offers us connection through art, worship and fellowship. It will probably be messy and we'll have a few hiccups.
That's ok. There is no group I'd rather be/do so with than you. 
See you Sunday.
Pastor Lindy

Melinda Keenan Wood