A Letter from Lindy March 29
I don't even know how to frame the way I want to ask how you are doing because every question I come up with falls flat given our new reality. We are all just coping as best we can. One of my colleagues remarked that we are building the plane as we are flying it.....how true is that!
We have made the collective decision to attempt live-streaming worship even more remotely...and it is still a work in progress, so we will learn together. We have built a worship "webinar" for this Sunday that allows Pilgrim's worship team to contribute from the confines of each of our homes. We will bring our best, but please hold us in prayer as we learn how to move from computer to computer to gather us into God's embrace through word, song and prayer.
At the end of the newsletter, you will find all of the links for Pilgrim's weekly gatherings, including Sunday worship. Our hopes in using the NL to host all of these links, we will centralize where you need to look for whatever you want to access. That being said, the links will also be on our website, if the NL gets lost in the mail :)
I know we are doing our best to stay connected. Our calling and card ministries are actively working to do so, as are our office hours and evening prayer. Please hear me when I encourage you to join in, it is in the hope of helping guard against isolation and not create more burden to bear. If a quick call and/or text and/or email with me feels easier....let's do that too. Who knows if we will find balance, but I strive to try.
Next Sunday is Palm/Passion Sunday, and I have this wild and crazy idea that we should be sharing story and song across the expanse of our community. If you would like to be one of the readers of the story, please let me know at revwood@gmail.com. If you have a musical offering appropriate for the story that you would like to perform from your home, please email Nick at nmalinowski@kidznotes.org, so that we can plan an interactive worship experience for all.
Let's not look beyond next week for the moment. Instead, we need joy to break in our days, receive this in the hopes it is my gift to you today.
Pastor Lindy