A Letter from Lindy July 23

My careful balancing of being engaged this month of July and preparing for my second sabbatical month feels like I’m tending to neither goal well, rather each in part. I think anyone who tries to juggle work and family and life-stuff will nod their heads knowingly. You do the best you can and some days you feel like you’ve achieved the standing egg on the equinox and others not so much.
As I hopscotch around Durham trying to check in on folks pastorally before I step away, I am mindful of all that we are holding. Please know that I will continue to surround you in prayer come August 1as your lives continue to unfold with the decisions before you. I am reminded, as we talk, that our sabbatical conversation on grieving feels deeply on point and I am grateful for your willingness to be vulnerable and explore.
August brings incredible speakers to Pilgrim’s pulpit, both from within the congregation and beyond. I have talked to most of them this month and the care with which they are imagining their conversation with you is extraordinary. You will be blessed. As the sabbatical team and the board of deacons quickly found a worshipful rhythm, I know you will again be in good hands. I pray your hearts be opened to God’s revelation with each speaker. I am eager for you to hear their message each Sunday.
Delighted does not begin to reflect how I feel about the Pilgrim reads series. From those of you with whom I’ve spoken, the books have offered deep reflection and conversation. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that this little window into the words that buoyed me, do the same for you.
I don’t mean to confuse as I have two Sundays still remaining, but I know this coming week will fly by in a flurry of crossing off my to do list so as to ensure a seamless transition. As always, please know how deeply grateful I am for the privilege of being able to step away to rest and replenish. My heart is thankful.
hope see you Sunday,

Pastor Lindy (she/her) why pronouns matter

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Melinda Keenan Wood