A Letter from Lindy Jan 14

Beloved Pilgrims,
I am delighted to welcome Rev. Linda Bullock Vanhook, Associate Minister, Mt Level Missionary Baptist Church  to Pilgrim this Sunday. Rev. Vanhook is also one of the founders of the Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice of which Pilgrim has just formally become a participating member. I have written about the Partnership over the past few weeks, so let me take this opportunity to introduce our guest preacher…..
Rev. Vanhook magnifies “God's Sufficient Grace.” She was ordained as a Baptist Minister in 2001, following completion of the Master of Divinity at Shaw Divinity School, Raleigh, NC. She is an Associate Minister at Mt Level Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor Rev. Dr. WC Turner. Vanhook has participated in many capacities of Christian service. Her passion, after preaching, is foreign and home missions. She is also an Advance Practice Registered Nurse and blends her education, Spiritual gifts and talents to serve developing countries. Her first foreign health mission was to Haiti in 2005, followed by multiple missions there after hurricanes and the 2010 earthquake. Vanhook led nursing students on missions to Haiti in 2012 and again in 2017. She participated with the Ministry of Health in Rwanda Africa 2012-2015.
Rev. Vanhook earned a Master of Science in Primary Care, Advance Practice Nurse Practitioner from Hampton University, Hampton VA and a certificate as Parrish Nurse from Duke School of Nursing. Her Master of Divinity concentrated in Pastoral Care and Christian Education. Her studies also include Missiology: Cross Cultural Studies at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Essex Maine, with an internship focus on interreligious dialogue in Eastern Europe - Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina with Jews, Muslims, and other Christians.
Please join me in welcoming Rev. Vanhook to Pilgrim.
Pastor Lindy (she/her) why pronouns matter
How does a weary world rejoice? We allow ourselves to be amazed.

Melinda Keenan Wood