A Letter from Lindy Dec 29
Beloved Pilgrims,
As has been our practice over the past few years, there will be no “official” newsletter for the next two weeks so that we give Pilgrim staff breathing space after a busy, beautiful Advent and Christmas. I will send a brief note with any pertinent information you might need as you prepare your hearts for worship.
The word that I offer today, still glancing back with awe at the manger, is gratitude. Thankful am I to be on this faith journey with you and all of the ways in which you reflect God’s light in this world. Our Christmas Eve worship shone as brightly as the star that guided those wise astrologers seeking to pay homage to a newborn king.But wait, Epiphany is not until next week :)
I cannot tell you how many folks stopped me to share that the way in which we bore witness in story and song to God’s Incarnation this year was so deeply meaningful. One person even remarked it was the best they had ever experienced. Thank you all who offered their gifts of story-telling, you brought our biblical ancestors to life!
Grateful am I as well for the care with which you surround your pastor during this season. As always, I am humbled by your love and generosity. As I shared on the 22nd, I delight in being able to journey with you as we follow Jesus together.
Finally, as this Sunday marks the last of 2024, let me encourage you to complete your pledge commitment to this beloved community. For with your investment in it, we do our part in ushering in God’s kindom on earth as it is in heaven. What a beautiful and important footprint as we do the good that is ours to do.
hope, peace, joy and love,
Pastor Lindy
(she/her) why pronouns matter
Art: Let All Creation Dance
Ink dyes and gold resist on silk, with digital collage.
Lisle Gwynn Garrity, SanctifiedArt.org