A Letter from Lindy Aug 18

Hello Pilgrims,

I’m learning to live “in between”, even though every person who follows Jesus should have vague familiarity in the theological space between the “already” and the “not yet.” 

In this particular week, it's not the Holy highway I am traversing, but trying to learn my mom’s new patterns whose rhythms are changing, at minimum, daily. Sometimes multiple times a day, so it is challenging to discern how to be a non anxious presence, supporting amidst. As a community who prays with intention, I know I am surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses both here and beyond that lean into steadying my heart. I am grateful.

Another beautiful part of Pilgrim that flows naturally from our prayer life is our desire to be a good neighbor to all of Durham’s residents, with a deeply held care for the most vulnerable. Especially our unsheltered neighbors. 

One manifestation of our care is our banquet feast through Urban Ministries the 5th Tuesday of the months in which they fall. Duly noted that this summer was a transition in leadership from the amazing Whitakers to the equally amazing Gail Booth and Melanie Dunshee, bringing leadership of our meal preparation and serving full circle, because it was Melanie who ushered this ministry into Pilgrim’s consciousness. 

Landscapes, as well as leadership, have changed over the past 3-4 years as Covid impacted how we attempt to usher in kindom. The July Tuesday we served, we returned to Urban Ministries Kitchen to prepare the meal for the first time. It feels like a lifetime has transpired between 2019 and now! And, we are still learning new patterns with new people. A work in progress.

One significant development, written about previously, is Pilgrim’s ability to support this ministry collectively. We defray the cost of the meal through our Penny Sunday collection. As I have noted, the cost outflow of the meal (especially with inflation in food costs) has been outpacing our collection. Average monthly collection is $90-ish which brings our contribution to about $270 each time we serve. Totaling the receipts from July’s meal revealed a cost of $443 to prepare the meal. Simple math tells us we are running about a $173 deficit per meal.

So the question I am inviting us to pray about is how we eradicate this deficit? Two additional questions come to mind. How might we increase our monthly giving congregationally as it is such a joyous part of Pilgrim’s worship? Might we also consider creating a line item under the Board of Christian Service so that yearly we balance the budget with regard to this ministry. Doing so might allow us to challenge ourselves to match those monies, akin to what we are currently doing with the UCC special offerings.

These are just a few musings from your pastor to begin the conversation. I look forward to hearing the brilliant thoughts that come from your creative minds.

with grace and gratitude,

Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter

Melinda Keenan Wood