A Letter from Lindy

Hello Pilgrims,
He asked them, "What were you arguing about on the way?” 34 But they were silent, for they had argued with one another who was the greatest.     Mark 9: 33b-34

 He asked them, "What were you arguing about on the way?” 34 But they were silent, for they had argued with one another who was the greatest.     Mark 9: 33b-34

I am grateful that scripture does not give us not perfect examples of faithfulness in Peter, James, John and the other disciples, but a company of people who routinely get it wrong. There is a place for me alongside them as they are capable of doing well, and also stumble along the way in both word and deed.

 Mark’s gospel, in particular, seems to hone in on each misstep, slip and fall. We talked about Peter going from star student to Satan last Sunday and this Sunday, while Jesus bears his soul about how hard God’s Way will be as the powers and principalities rev their destructive engines, the inner circle is arguing about who is best suited to take second chair in God’s coming kindom.

Can you imagine how dejected Jesus must have felt upon hearing the truth confessed? He’s been pouring out his heart and they’re working on establishing the first patriarchy in beloved community. The dissonance he must have experienced at how antithetical their conversation. Those poor disciples, they never seem to miss an opportunity to make a mess along the Way.

To be fair, and to return to a phrase we used often during pandemic–they are building the plane while flying it! No set of instructions, no definitive destination, no directions thereto, any more than does the Incarnate One, whom they are following, know what the road ahead has in store.

Which actually makes my heart take a beat. Because the disciples offer a truer picture of faithfulness–humans who are trying with a mix of right and wrong steps, good and bad, following and wandering. A perfect observation point for the year ahead with Ashtyn. We will celebrate, as we endeavor to be disciples together, hoping to learn from both our triumphs and mistakes. We will, I pray, take heart in knowing we are trying our best to walk with Jesus.

I look forward to the adventure. I hope you do as well.

Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter

Melinda Keenan Wood