A Letter from Lindy
Second time’s a charm. I had written this letter yesterday to be sent out by close of business, and lo and behold, when I came back to send it out, it was gone. The challenges of technology. Let's see if I can recreate what I wrote.
First, a huge thank you to all who helped make Pride weekend so wonderful! There were so many moving parts, so many different events, I love how we came together to bear witness as beloved community. I love even more how excited folks were to imagine Pride 2020. Keep your eyes attune to the NL and Sunday bulletins as Felix and I are planning to host a conversation for reflecting and planning anew in the coming weeks.
I am looking forward to continuing our celebration of God's inclusivity this next Sunday as October 6 marks two occasions that fall on the same Sunday, reflecting in each God's expansive embrace of godly creatures. First, we will welcome and bless the four-legged creatures entrusted to our care at Pilgrim's annual Blessing of the Animals.Whether you bring your beloved animal in creature or in memory, let us celebrate the unconditional love gifted to us and us to them. We are better for them. I can't wait to bless them all!
Our other celebration is that October 6 marks World Communion Sunday where the global christian community feels our connectedness as we break bread and share in the cup together. How inspiring to imagine the tapestry God weaves in and among us!
I hope to see as many of you as possible for this special Sunday.
Pastor Lindy