Letter from Lindy Feb 7


My beloved pilgrims,

Let me offer a word that my letter will be solely utilitarian in nature this week and I ask that you read it until the end. There are a few items that I would like to bring to your prayerful attention in the hope that you feel invited to join in when/where you are able.

But first, words of thanks. For all of you who joined in our congregational meeting last week to discuss and affirm our 2021 budget, thank you! As we continue to ride this pandemic rollercoaster, our work of figuring out how this year will unfold and how we will support our efforts financially has added a little more mystery to our roadmap. We have taken a fiscally conservative path, but even with, have had to make difficult decisions. I am grateful for all of the wise voices that spoke into this process and for your affirmation that we are on this journey together.

Another thank you to Rev. Richard Whitaker for offering us such a wonderful word two Sundays ago. I knew I left the good news in capable hands and I am truly grateful for his willingness to preach, giving me my first break in a year. That lack of self-care is on me and no one else. Just naming it here so you all can hold me accountable :)

My hope moving forward, as we remain virtual, is to invite a Pilgrim ministry partner to preach each month, so we can hear/learn/grow from their call to action/justice/witness in our place and time. As Auxiliary will be kicking off our Spring Service Project this month for Housing for New Hope (a month early to give us more time), I have invited Rev. Russ Pierce, HNH Executive Director, to be our guest preacher in February. I look forward to introducing him to you on February 28.

Now, I would like to draw your attention to a few other matters. First, Lent is coming! Actually, it's right around the corner with Ash Wednesday, February 17. We will mark our entry with an all-age, at-home service to orient us for our lenten journey. If you would like to participate, please scroll down to Felix’s note where you will find a link to our sign-up sheet so that you can receive your lenten goodie bag, complete with ashes.

Three weeks in, we will also celebrate International Women’s Day on March 7. Pilgrim’s Auxiliary will lead us in worship, bearing witness to the Day’s theme #Challenge to Lead--a call to empower and equip women leadership. Our worship will be a celebration of Pilgrim having done so for decades! As this service will have many moving pieces, Beth Bowling and I made the executive decision to switch Auxiliary’s monthly programming for February and March. Calling any and all women--even if you have not yet participated in Auxiliary-- please join Auxiliary’s meeting Monday, February 8, 10:30am (link below), where we will be in planning mode for International Women’s Day. I promise it will be tons of fun! You can join early for a time of fellowship.

And finally, I know last Sunday was full of facts and figures as we discussed Pilgrim’s financial picture, but one important ministry did not get mentioned and yet needs our attention and investment--The Community Cafe at Urban Ministries. Or in Pilgrim-speak, Penny Sunday. It seems as we have been virtual for just shy of a year, our monthly coin collection that covers the cost of our meal preparation has dwindled. In fact, the Travises have shared that we do not have enough funds to cover the cost of our March meal. To feed our many neighbors through this ministry, we spend between $400-$500 for each meal. With no children running up and down the aisles with their jingling baskets to prompt us, we seem not to be replenishing this fund as we usually do. Our online giving has a designated line for Penny Sunday, so if you are able, please help sustain this beloved Pilgrim ministry. If online proves vexing, you can always drop a check at the church.

Pilgrims, much thanks for your listening, reading and responsive presence to this Newsletter.

Epiphany Light,
Pastor Lindy

Melinda Keenan Wood