Letter from Lindy Aug 22
Hello Pilgrims,
How are you?
I am feeling a little drained having just attended my first Council meeting in a few months which comes immediately after a Board of Christian Service meeting--long Thursday is what I used to call it. I seem I to be a bit out of ministry shape as I wander through August. In one sense it feels really good to be part of the church conversation anew and in another, well, it is somewhat surreal as there were no sounds of Lanny tinkering in the kitchen getting our dinner ready, poking his head around the corner with a grimace wondering when will this thing be ever be done?! Lot’s to absorb in my new reality, I’m learning.
So true for us all as we take these first steps toward in-person, in-sanctuary worship. Not surprisingly, the issue dominated much of our conversation last evening as the boards compared to do lists. We are excited and nervous and a little stressed to get everything right for us all. Of course, it will be messy. How can it not? But the hope of seeing each others’ faces fills our hearts with joy. To make this joy complete, we need you! We need people to pitch in to make Sunday happen. As Ami remarked, it all looks seamless on Sundays as people quietly move mountains behind the scenes to make it so. Many hands make those mountains not only easier to move, but fun in doing along the way. I promise. Will you pitch in? I hope so! Where can your gifts be used and when? Check out our sign-up and see how you can lend a hand.
A few other important topics of conversation to note for your prayerful discernment. Pilgrim’s nominating committee has done incredible work over the summer, presenting us with an outstanding slate of new officers for consideration. Council has determined, with all things COVID, it is always best to proceed earlier, as everything seems to take longer in pandemic. So our fall congregational meeting is called for Sunday, September 19 after worship. Our hope is that it will be both in person and virtual. Fingers crossed. And yes, it is but one Sunday after our homecoming and we want to on-board our new leaders as soon as possible, so please, please mark your calendars accordingly.
To not make this note too long, one last question for your feedback. I seem to be filling our September calendar in this note. As of today, Pride is back for 2021. The plan is to have both a parade and festival on Saturday, September 25. Pilgrim has always turned out to march and host a booth. This year, amidst the rise in the delta variant, how we demonstrate our commitment, support and participation feels more complicated. After prayerful discussion with no clear path, we determined it best to take the pulse of the congregation so as to see how we are all feeling about Pilgrim showing up for a much larger in-person, outdoor gathering. Initial thoughts were to hold off on hosting a booth. Although we had been asked to bring Communion back to the festival in 2020 pre-pandemic, there was also hesitation about doing so this year. What about marching in the parade? How many Pilgrims feel comfortable showing up to walk the route? We need your feedback to help us make the best decision we can with all that is before us. How does Pilgrim show its solidarity with (and within) this very important community of folx? I am going to ask Franklin to create a doodle (or google) poll with a series of questions to help us ascertain the right path. I ask that you respond so that we get the beautiful diversity of Pilgrim in with its feedback. I thank you in advance for so doing and look forward to learning where we are.
With that Pilgrims, I extend my gratitude and love for all of the ways we are beloved community together.
grace and peace,
Pastor Lindy (she/her) why pronouns matter
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