A Letter from Tom Heath, Board of Trustees

Greetings Pilgrims,

Did you know that our fabulous new sound system is currently being installed? The many people (including myself) who have been having increasing difficulty hearing Pastor Lindy and others speaking in the sanctuary can now be optimistic that they’ll be able take in and enjoy more of what’s going on during our worship services.  

The upgrade will also improve the electronic video transmission of our services for those who are worshipping from home. And the sound system upgrade also will include the installation of a projector system in Fellowship Hall, as well as the purchase of a portable sound system, which can be used in the columbarium, at Pride events, or anywhere else that Pilgrims are attempting to do God’s work.

This important project is being financed by anonymous contributions from a small group of generous Pilgrims and from a special fund created in honor of Martha Fairbank. These gifts didn’t quite cover the total cost, however, so the Trustees approved tapping our Capital Improvements and Repair Fund. 

As a Trustee and former Treasurer, I can assure you that this project is an appropriate use for our Capital Improvements Fund. At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind that this is our Rainy Day Fund: the money that we carefully preserve in order to pay for necessary, and often unexpected, capital expenses—for example, a new roof, a new heating and air conditioning unit, or the replacement of an appliance in the kitchen. 

So the Trustees have authorized me to send this email to the congregation, inviting you to be a participant in funding this exciting improvement to our facilities. Every dollar that you donate to the sound system project will be a dollar that we won’t have to take from the Capital Improvements Fund. 

Please consider donating as generously as you can. If you pay by check, please write “Sound System” in the memo line. Or you can pay by credit card or bank account draft; see Hannah in the office if you have questions. 


Tom Heath

Susan Barco