A Letter from Lindy Sept 1

Hello Pilgrims,
Do you experience Labor Day weekend as the last gasp of summer? One last weekend to cram in a cookout, a trip to the beach? Or is a momentary breather, school already having started? Or are you one who holds firmly to the calendar, resisting the temptation to close this season’s summer chapter until the actual start of Fall on the autumnal equinox, September 22?
Whatever your rhythm, I hope you find time in your Sunday to join us for worship to create space for worship, prayer, fellowship with your fellow Pilgrims. It was so joyous to be together last Sunday for our Homecoming. Thank you all who put effort into making it such a special day! The ice bucket challenge was a “refreshing” way to share time and space. The pictures said it all! Grateful for those who braved the water and ice to support a worthy cause (and person :)
This week we begin our gearing into our programmatic season with Sunday School returning. The nomination process wrapping up. With that, mark your calendars for September 22 (again), but this time for our congregational meeting to affirm the slate of Pilgrim Officers for 2025. The Deacons also hope to host a New Member Sunday in worship that day, so our newest Pilgrims can add their voices to the nomination process.
Be on the lookout as well for news about Pilgrim’s budget/stewardship process, as it has also left the station. We have begun imagining how to translate God’s hope for the coming year into concrete facts and figures. The budget team endeavors to share Pilgrim’s line item $ amounts in narrative story this year, so that we more deeply understand how interwoven who we are, what we do, and what it costs, truly are. I am excited to tackle this creative process. Stay tuned.
Our September is full of activity and movement and I hope your paths find their way to Pilgrim throughout. There is also much going on in our city and country and it helps to be grounded with and for each other. With that, I look forward to seeing your smiling faces.

Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter

Melinda Keenan Wood