A Letter From Lindy May 26

Happy Graduation to those Pilgrims who are taking (or have taken) this important step in their educational journey. We will celebrate with you this Sunday, even in absentia.
Because I have been reflecting on educational journeys this week, I am mindful we are in the season for receiving applications for the Killenberg Scholarship. Please print off or copy this form to fill it out if you would like to submit an application. The qualifications for consideration are reflected within the application. The deadline for submission is June 30, 2024.  If you would like to pick up a copy of the application from the office, please email or call Hannah and she can do so for you.
It is with joy that I offer this invitation as it allows me time to reflect on the vision and generosity of two of our Pilgrim Treasures who imagined their church encouraging and supporting fellow Pilgrims as they pursue their academic dream, whatever that may be. The ability to defray any part of the financial burden feels important for the beloved community who claims them.
Please hold this process and applicants in your prayers as we move through this month of receiving these requests.
with gratitude,

Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter

Melinda Keenan Wood