A Letter from Lindy March 31


 I write this letter to you on Maundy Thursday. A day filled with emotion, intimacy, heartbreak. 
A day in the holiest of weeks that births a new commandment for Jesus’ followers. Its living reflection in washing feet and breaking bread. 
This is the day when Jesus gathers those whom he loves deeply to impress and impart upon us God’s mission of love, community, grace and justice. 
In the hope that we will take this divine mission upon ourselves and carry it forth. So that we might give meaning, purpose to his life, sacrificed by the powers and principalities of the world, bent on extinguishing the breath of collective hope. Resurrection is God’s response, rejection, of hope’s demise.
If in rising, Christ destroys death, his resurrected life also reveals the end is not the end just as his sacrifice shows the generous grace of God. Resurrection is the climax of the gospel story and a reflection of God’s mission in the world.
So I believe this holiest of weeks should cause us to tremble. Tremble. Perhaps because when we speak of the realm of Christ, we aren’t just rejecting the powers of the world and accepting Jesus’s vision intellectually. We are championing a way of being ourselves that rejects the powers of this world. 
So perhaps, the question that lingers with Mary in the garden is how we engage with God’s mission. In what ways do we see the end of something as not being a true end but a new life yearning to arrive? Are we just waiting to hear Jesus call our name?
I pray we work collectively to listen and discover.
Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter


Susan Barco