A Letter from Lindy March 26

We are a busy community of faith in 2023. Much to be excited about. Much to be engaged in. Much to help us grow in translating our faith (Word) into action. It feels much like Pilgrim buds are beginning to spring forth after a dormant season. And still, I am mindful that for those of us who are just beginning to re-engage by putting our toes in Pilgrim waters, the array of choices of what/how to involve oneself might also feel too much. I get it and my hope is that you will find a pace and rhythm that nurtures and nourishes you back into community, rather than overwhelms you to the point of shut-down and/or disengagement. Just know, our embrace is hopefully invitational, not demand-filled pressure as we open ourselves to God’s holy nudges in this place and time.

I try to hold this space with one invitation, but extend your grace as I highlight three.
As you will read, the invitation is wide for you to join Pilgrim’s Crop-Walking Team on April 2. The more the merrier as we walk, talk and laugh, building community and witness along the way. All necessary details are below. You have heard Ellen’s encouraging call, so let us respond with our enthusiasm

Second, as I mentioned in last week's letter, I had the wonderful privilege of joining Jews for Good in a powerful seminar for Christians working to disrupt and dismantle the dangerous, destructive tentacle of antisemitism. This is work that all communities of faith should be engaged, and especially Christians whose Holy Scriptures have been used for such harm. We have an opportunity for another important conversation on Tuesday, March 28, 6pm EST. Confronting Antisemitism at St. Joseph AME Church.
Come connect and learn about antisemitism and its impact in our city: a collaboration between DCIA, St. Joseph AME, Beth-El Synagogue, Duke CFR, and Judea Reform. Panelists include Dr. Ellen Davis, Dr. Ted Shaw, Dr. Abdullah Antepli, and Dr. Marc Dollinger. Please see the announcement for more detail.

Finally, the time is upon us to encourage all those wanting to further their educational aspirations to seek an application for Pilgrim’s Killenberg Scholarship. Our commitment to supporting those furthering their studies is an important witness we make to Pilgrims of all ages. If you know of someone who c/should apply for this scholarship, please contact the office for an application and scholarship guidelines or download the application here. Application deadline has shifted from May 31 to June 30 due to my sabbatical dates.
with grace, 

Pastor Lindy (she/her) why pronouns matter

Living and working on occupied Shakori land. 
If you'd like to learn more about the Indigenous people whose land you occupy, 
the information is just a text message away. Click here to learn more.

Melinda Keenan Wood