A Letter from Lindy March 23



What a hard, sad week this has been as we held the news of Martha Whitaker’s death on Tuesday. As I have shared with many who came to process their grief, my brain knew we were journeying toward, but my heart was not prepared for our sudden descent into the valley of death, with the onset of Covid in the Whitaker household. Grateful am I that our beloved Martha was surrounded by family who, “with gratitude in their hearts for this amazing woman, sang psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God,” as they gave their beloved back to God.


Martha embodied Paul’s call for a  new life in Christ, as “God’s chosen one, holy and beloved, clothed with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,” reflected in the many stories you shared of your time with her during our ministry of “Share the Care.” We are better, having known and loved her.


Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 5 at  10am as we gather to celebrate Martha’s life and mourn her passing. Her life clothed with love, binding us together in perfect harmony. Testimony to the word of Christ ruling richly within this family bond, we will then surround the family in worship Sunday, April 6, with Mars Branciforte’s baptism. Through both of these services, Pilgrim, we will let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, to which indeed we are called in one body. 


It should come as no surprise, that even while still testing positive, even with the advent of this
season of grief, Richard and Beth and Nathan will be walking this Sunday, together in a nature
preserve, for Crop Walk, to honor the legacy of Martha’s (and their) commitment to this important ministry.


We would do well to join their spirit.


Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter

Susan Barco