A Letter from Lindy June 30

Hi Pilgrims,

As we close out June and turn ourselves to the middle summer month of July, I echo a walking partner’s exclaim, “where did the month of June go?” So it clipped by at a pace that seemed to move faster than expected.

As much as July is a month we Pilgrims tend to give ourselves a break from the regular rhythm of board, council and committee meetings, so as to collectively catch our breath, this pause is not universal across the life of the church. Two important committees are deeply engaged in work that sustains who Pilgrim is and how we show up in the world. 

Those two groups of dedicated Pilgrims are the Nominating and Budget Committees. Nominating has been reaching out to you to ascertain if you would be willing to serve in Pilgrim leadership so that we continue to bear witness as beloved community both within and outside the church walls. I pray that you hold with care their “ask” and say yes to helping us usher in kindom in our little corner of the world. The second committee just beginning their work is Pilgrim’s Budget Committee who undertakes the incredible task of translating our hopes and dreams into concrete numbers so that our Stewardship Team can then extend an invitation for all Pilgrims to invest in bringing our dream to reality. People and resource power are the life force of beloved community. 

Another life force that rarely gets noticed or mentioned, because they are so seamless in their execution that we may not notice them at all, is the Pilgrim Tech Team. This small but mighty group continues to make Pilgrim accessible to any and all folks who want to join with us in worship every Sunday. I know I have been in denial of the Rosos’s impending move to Canada, as I cannot imagine Pilgrim without Kristen and Joseph’s presence, but the time is quickly coming where we will have to commission them with blessing to this next chapter of their lives. With their move, our small but mighty Tech Team gets even smaller, demanding too much of this dedicated group. They need our help in expanding the team so their load is lighter. Would you prayerfully consider joining Pilgrim’s Tech Team so that we continue to offer this connective stream to our homebound and traveling Pilgrims, as well as friends who join us from afar, and/or guests who join us to discover who Pilgrim is. Anyone who is willing to explore this possibility of serving, please contact Ami Nagle.

lots to think about. with hope and gratitude, 

Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter

Melinda Keenan Wood