A Letter from Lindy July 3

Beloved Pilgrims,

As promised, the COVID Response Team regrouped with the advent of vaccine availability for our youngest Pilgrims. With that happy occurrence, the team has determined it now feels appropriate to adjust our mask mandate to optional on campus. We encourage any and all who want to continue masking for whatever reason to do so. We will also maintain our dot system so we have a ready visual for how people want to be approached when we are together.

In addition to our shift in masking, we will move fellowship indoors as the thermometer rises with the heat of summer.  We will keep one tent and table outside for those who feel more comfortable eating and drinking outdoors. With all of these adjustments, we pray we are living into our inclusive motto of “whoever you are, wherever you are,  you are welcome here!”

Our hope is to live with these two adjustments for the month of July and then come August, the deacons will discern how best to ritualize our collective offertory and communion. We will maintain announcements and prayers as-is so as to honor the inclusion of our zoom worshippers. 

Because of the tech responsibilities to extend our reach beyond in person worship, Pilgrim’s choir will remain in the chancel for now, so as to allow our tech team the room they need to broadcast live. Imagining the tech in a different configuration will take much thought and planning to make possible. We seek your understanding of this important need.

We are so hopeful with these steps toward our new normal, and we are mindful that come September as school starts anew, we may face a new wave of infection. We will follow the science and the data as the months progress to determine how best to keep our community safe and healthy

I am truly grateful for this beloved community in all the ways we care for each other.

Pastor Lindy (she/her) why pronouns matter
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Melinda Keenan Wood