A Letter from Lindy July 19
Good morning Pilgrims,
I write you during our July installment of a worship team break. Within our virtual, stay-home reality, I have learned it is so easy to let our shared ministry seep into sabbath if you allow it. Our June break proved that to be true, as the timing of this collective break falls during a week where we have regularly scheduled meetings overlayed with Conference, Denominational and Community conversations and discussions about the many important issues before us. I learned how hard it is to say "no" and/or to step away to shut down for a time.
Hopefully, I am practicing better sabbath this month, learning I may miss some conversations in the moment but that I can always reconnect, regroup, move forward with colleagues who share in the desire to work together for our community. I am grateful for the leaning in and learning together in this new landscape for ministry.
As we are honoring sabbath, our worship together will be on YouTube. Our wonderful tech guru, Nathan Miller-Olawsky has taken the many pieces that form our service and woven them together to create the whole. Many thanks for his willingness to use his gifts so that we can be church together in new ways. I pray the service feeds and fills this Sunday. Although the service has been prerecorded, fellowship with Holy Communion will be live through Zoom. Please join together, whether to break bread and share wine, or just for conversation. Again my deep gratitude for the Board of Deacons who make this holy opportunity each week for our collective good.
We will be back in the saddle on Tuesday. Until then stay safe by washing your hands. Wearing a mask. Keeping physically distanced. Let's do our part to reduce our numbers.
Peace, Pastor Lindy