A Letter from Lindy Feb 16

Not that I've purposely been avoiding Paul, one of our scriptural conversation partners for the season of Epiphany, rather I seem to have immersed myself in Jesus' sermon these past few weeks. Not wanting to neglect the other preacher in our lectionary mix, I found myself drawn to Paul's invitation to experience ourselves as God might--holy co-workers, as well as God's farm and field--not all that different that Jesus telling us we are God's light and salt. 
Interestingly, this is the same text that shapes of our ecumenical One Great Hour of Sharing are drawing from as they invite us to participate in the growth that God is already up to by "Investing in the Future" of God's creation and creatures. I am looking forward to imagining how we might do so through OGHS and CWS Crop Walk in the coming month.
Prior to our kick-off on March 1, we have an opportunity to plant like Paul and water like Apollos our very own Pilgrim garden on Saturday, February 22 when we gather for the Lay Leadership Retreat from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. Together, we will give, receive, plant, and water in the service for the future for which God yearns in and through us. All are welcome to join in this important conversation whether you are attached to one of Pilgrim's 4 boards or not. We are better when we give and grow synergistically without undue attachment of ownership or end result. Please respond to your respective board chair invitations, and if not attached, please let Emily Norboge, deacon co-chair, know of your desire to participate.
Finally, last fall as Felix began settling into her role, we imagined a Pilgrim social justice book group where whomever was drawn to a specific topic and/or book for study and conversation could gather together to learn, grow and be challenged to action. As one of my clergy colleagues remarked yesterday reflecting on the fracturing of her Methodist denomination, "for all the ism's we seem to be fighting against these days, if we don't begin with their roots in racism, we aren't going to get very far." As I journey deeper into such study, I could not agree more.
With that, a group of Pilgrims are planning to be in intentional conversation with Ibram Kendi's work, "Stamped from the Beginning: the definitive history of racist ideas in America," which forms the foundation for REI's  (Racial Equity Institute) Anti-Racism Training. Our plan is to meet monthly, beginning on Sunday of March 29, after worship for reflection and conversation. Our hope is that with this study, a number of Pilgrims might join in REI's anti-racism training which is offered routinely in Durham. Some have already signed on for Phase 1, June 3-4. As we build and grow Pilgrim's inclusive witness, it feels important for us to continually address and dismantle the systemic barriers that shape our communities, country and world. If  you are interested in joining this conversation, please let me know....or just show up Sunday, March 20, with a cup of coffee in hand.
Pastor Lindy

Melinda Keenan Wood