A Letter from Lindy April 28


Hopefully by now you know this coming Sunday is going to look and feel a bit different–our way of honoring Earth Day by being good stewards to the campus entrusted to our care. I thank our Board of Trustees and Creation Care team for imagining us worshiping in new and different ways.

Our forecast: the sun is expected to shine brightly. The air will be cool and crisp, warming over the course of the day. 

As I shared in an email earlier this week, your Pilgrim staff has been busy dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on our “to do” list to ensure a fun and productive morning. We hope you will join us even if you did not sign up. Right now we are at about 42 people and we would love to add to that number. The more, the lighter the work load. 

Let me also reiterate to those of you who are hesitant because you aren’t sure what you can contribute to a more physical worship experience. We want you to come! You can move through the campus, encouraging, visiting and lifting the spirits of all involved by your presence. You can help get lunch ready. You can help refill water bottles. You can greet late-comers and potential visitors. Please do not let your brain trick you into thinking you don’t belong. You do!

Speaking of workload, let me encourage everyone to bring work related items to tend to the tasks at hand. 

If you lean toward working outside: gloves, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows and other gardening related tools.
If you prefer indoor tasks: rags, buckets, sponges, brooms, dustpans and other cleaning supplies.

For all involved, bring water bottles for your hydration.We will have water coolers for you to fill up throughout the morning.

Coffee will also be available for those so inclined.

Our day will begin at 9:30am in the sanctuarywith Song, Scripture and Prayer before we are commissioned to the work at hand. At 11:30am we will be “rung” back together on the patio for Communion, Song and Blessing before we break for lunch. 

It should be a wonderful invigorating morning.

Hope to see you Sunday.

 Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter

Melinda Keenan Wood